Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) treats hormonal imbalances without the use of animal hormones by utilizing the identical forms of hormones that are found in the human body. This natural means of supporting women’s health is preferred by many women. Several natural supplements are suitable for women who do not wish to take estrogenic products, while others help to achieve a sound nutritional foundation for women using BHRT therapy, as well as to improve hormone elimination and prevent toxicity. Each woman is unique in her requirements and individuals require specific concentrations and combinations.We will work with you to compound the appropriate BHRT formulations and dosage forms as well as other medications pertinent to women’s health and wellness. Contact us

ConditionRemedy examplesNutraceuticalsReferences/Studies
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BHRTProgesterone + Bi-Est + Tri-Est + Testosterone, DHEA, etc.
Various concentrations and combinations and various formulations.
Women’s Complete
Extra Strength Marine Fish Oil
Vitamin D 5000 IU
DIM Enhanced
Black Cohosh Plus
Fiber Blend
Menopause Support
Climacteric. 2013 Apr;16(2):203-4
Global consensus statement on menopausal hormone therapy

BMJ. 2012 Oct 9;345:e6409
Effect of hormone replacement therapy on cardiovascular events in recently postmenopausal women: randomised trial

Female Sexual Dysfunction and LibidoAnimophylline + Arginine + Ergoloid + Pentoxifylline Topical Cream
Nifedipine + Arginine + Aminophylline Topical Cream

Oxytocin Vaginal cream

Papaverine + Arginine Topical Cream

NutraLibido For Women
Libido Health
Climacteric. 2013 Aug;16 Suppl 1:18-24
Androgen therapy in women, beyond libido
Smoking CessationNicotine Lollipop,
Nicotine Applicator Stick
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2012 Apr;69(4):418-27
Sex differences in availability of β2*-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in recently abstinent tobacco smokers

Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 2012 Aug; 20(4):251-7
Association between ovarian hormones and smoking behavior in women

Vaginal dryness/ atrophyEstriol Vaginal Cream
Hyaluronic Acid Vaginal Cream

Vitamin E Vaginal Suppository

J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2012 Oct;16(4):394-7
Use of amitriptyline cream in the management of entry dyspareunia due to provoked vestibulodynia
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