Sports people are faced with a wide range of injuries and medical complications that require individualized care. Pain, inflammation, and scars are among the most common issues facing those engaged in sports and sports medicine. We work with you, taking into account the individualized needs of your patients based on their varied injuries and body types and their need to recover and get back in the game as soon as possible.Contact us to discuss your compound medication requirements.

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Topical Anesthetics Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2004 Aug;8(4):261-7
Topical treatments for pain
Pain ManagementAdv Ther. 2009 Dec;26(12):1072-83
New therapeutic approaches for management of sport-induced muscle strains
QJM. 1995 Aug;88(8):551-7
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and hospitalization for acute renal failure
Clin J Sport Med. 2003 Jul;13(4):200-8
Efficacy of transdermal ketoprofen
for delayed onset muscle soreness
J Rheumatol. 1997 Aug;24(8):1595-8
An Open Randomized Study of ketoprofen
in patients in surgery for Achilles or patellar
ScarsTechnical Report: Efficacy of PracaSil™-Plus in the Improvement of Scar Appearance – Part 1
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