We use PCCA PracaSil-Plus as a compounding base for scars and other skin conditions. It can be used with various actives for use on all types of scar tissue, or any skin conditions that would benefit from barrier protection. PCCA PracaSil-Plus may be used after surgery or an injury, with the hope of reducing inflammation and the buildup of scar tissue. It also may be used on stretch marks, from sudden weight gain, weight loss, or pregnancy. It can also be compounded with pain relief ingredients to help with different types of pain/injury caused by scar tissue that has formed over a period of time.

PCCA PracaSil-Plus may be used on:
Old Scars
New Scars
Surgical Scars
Stretch Marks
Acne Scars
Any Skin Condition Needing Barrier Protection

ConditionRemedy examplesNutraceuticalsReferences/Studies
Click on the titles to
access the PubMed
abstracts of the articles
Surgical Scars Oral Numbing Agents
i)Lidocaine/ Tetracaine/ Prilocaine Gel
ii)Ketoprofen/ Lidocaine/ Cyclobenzaprine/ Bupivacaine
Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2013 Apr 24;6:103-14
Management of keloids and hypertrophic scars: current and emerging options

Br J Plast Surg. 1998 Sep;51(6):462-9
Topical tamoxifen–a potential therapeutic regime in treating excessive dermal scarring?

Keloids Miracle Mouthwash
i)Tetracycline/ Nystatin/ Hydrocortisone/ chlorpheniramine
ii)Tetracycline/ Nystatin/ Hydrocortisone/ Benadryl

iii) Minocycline/ Metronidazole/ Ciprofloxacin paste

Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2013 Apr 24;6:103-14
Management of keloids and hypertrophic scars: current and emerging options

Br J Plast Surg. 1998 Sep;51(6):462-9
Topical tamoxifen–a potential therapeutic regime in treating excessive dermal scarring?

Stretch Marks Arch Dermatol Res. 2013 Sep;305(7):603-17
A double-blind controlled clinical trial assessing the effect of topical gels on striaedistensae (stretch marks): a non-invasive imaging, morphological and immunohistochemical study

Dermatol Surg. 1998 Aug;24(8):849-56
Comparison of topical therapy for striae alba (20% glycolic acid/0.05% tretinoin versus 20% glycolic acid/10% L-ascorbic acid)

Acne Scars Adv Biomed Res. 2014 Mar 31;3:103
Efficacy of fixed daily 20 mg of isotretinoin in moderate to severe scar prone acne
More References