We will work with you to formulate medications to suit your patients’ specific needs in the appropriate strength and form, including oral numbing agents for pain management, miracle mouthwashes and wound remedies. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs for both adult and children.

ConditionRemedy examplesNutraceuticalsReferences/Studies
Click on the titles to
access the PubMed
abstracts of the articles
Pain ManagementOral Numbing Agents
i)Lidocaine/ Tetracaine/ Prilocaine Gel
ii)Ketoprofen/ Lidocaine/ Cyclobenzaprine/ Bupivacaine
J Oral Facial Pain Headache. 2014 Spring;28(2):153-8
Ketoprofen is more effective than diclofenac after oral surgery when used as a preemptive analgesic: a pilot study
Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2013 Jan-Jun; 4(1): 19–24
Advances in dental local anesthesia techniques and devices: An update
Dry Mouth Stomatitis &MucositisMiracle Mouthwash
i)Tetracycline/ Nystatin/ Hydrocortisone/ chlorpheniramine
ii)Tetracycline/ Nystatin/ Hydrocortisone/ Benadryl

iii) Minocycline/ Metronidazole/ Ciprofloxacin paste

Dermatol Online J. 2007 May 1;13(2):1
Topical minocycline and tetracycline rinses in treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a randomized cross-over study
Int J Nanomedicine. 2012;7:5693-704
A new approach to the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis with bioadhesive gels containing cyclosporine A solid lipid nanoparticles: in vivo/in vitro examinations
Dry Socket J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2004 May;62(5):587-91
Tetracycline compound placement to prevent dry socket: a postoperative study of 200 impacted mandibular third molars
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2000 May;58(5):531-7
Dental extraction wound management: medicating postextraction sockets
More References